Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Tragedy

Tragedy, a dramatic compostion, dealing with a serious and somber theme, typically that of a great person destined through a flaw of charachter or conflict with some overpowering force, as fate, or society, to downfall or destructon. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is about two young teenagers, Romeo Monatague, and Juliet Capulet who fall deep in love and are forced to keep their love a secreat in order to prevent the dissapointment of there feuding familes. Romeo and Juliets fate, immature acts, and secrets soon lead up to Romeo and Juliets downfall. Fate is a power that predetemines events and controls destiny.In the story, William Shakesphere is controlling Romeo and Juliet, which brings fate at fault of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. It was fate that brought Romeo and Juliet together, and made their familys rivalrys. It is also what brought them to their downfall. If Romeo and Juliet had neer met at the party, mendicant Lawrence had never married them, and Juliets father wasn t forceing her to marry Paris, none of this would have happened. Fate in this story is unavoidable. Frair Lawerence played a huge role in Romeo and Juliets deaths. A friar is looked up to and held responsible alot more.The Frair should have known better then to marry two young teenagers, just to end the families feud. The plan the Friar had to keep Romeo and Juliet together was insufficiently thought out which ultimatly was a major part in the tragedy. Even though Friar Lawerence knows that both the Monatagues and Capulets wont be very happy with his descion to marry them, he still continues to do so. If Frair Lawrence wasnt stupid enough to keep the secreat, none of this would have happened. Juliet would have never dranken the potion, and therefore neither would have Romeo.Romeos immature ways also led to the tragedy. Romeo first met Juliet because he needed someone to get over Rosaline, his ex girlfriend. When they first laid eyes on eachother, they supposbly fell in love. Yes, th ey say it was magical, but it was also dumb. If Romeo wasnt to quick to get married, Juliet would not have as a great deal feelings for Romeo as she did when they were married. Therefore Juliet probley wouldnt have gone through as much as she did to be with Romeo. Romeo made it much more complicated then it had to be by fighting and killing Juliets cousin Tybalt.

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