Thursday, October 31, 2019

Creating a Decision Making Matrix for Four Restaurant Alternatives Essay

Creating a Decision Making Matrix for Four Restaurant Alternatives - Essay Example Eventually, a two dimensional matrix is generated. Decision matrixes are common in procurement procedures where they are used to choose the best bid among the many proposals that have been received. A decision matrix has four major components which include; criteria, options/alternatives, weights and scores/rating (Hammon, Keeney and Raiffa, 2002). The purpose of this paper is to design a decision matrix and the scores for selecting the best restaurant from among four alternatives A, B, C, D using cost, convenience, service, taste and nutrition as the decision criteria. Creating the matrix The restaurants A, B, C, and D shall be ranked according to the following five criteria; cost, convenience, service, taste and nutrition. These criteria have been selected since they are the major determining factors ion the final decision making regarding the most suitable restaurant. The weights for the criteria are assigned in such a way that the total weight is 1.0. In this case, the weights fo r the criteria are as follows; Cost= 0.30, service=0.25, taste=0.2, convenience= 0.15, nutrition= 0.10. The total for the criteria = 1.0. The criteria ranking for each of the restaurant alternatives A, B, C and D are designed in such a way that the highest rank is 4. The score for each alternative is calculated as follows; Score = (Rating * assigned weight). The total score is obtained from the sum of all the scores. Based on the cost, convenience, service, taste and nutrition criteria, the restaurant options A, B, C, and D are ranked as follows; Criteria Ranking/Ranking Restaurant Options Cost Service Taste Convenience Nutrition A 3 4 1 3 2 B 2 1 2 4 4 C 4 2 3 1 3 D 1 3 4 2 1 The scores are calculated and tabulated as follows; Alternatives A B C D Criteria Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Cost 0.30 3 0.9 2 0.6 4 1.2 1 0.3 Service 0.25 4 1.0 1 0.25 2 0.5 3 0.75 Taste 0.20 1 0.2 3 0.6 3 0.6 4 0.8 Convenience 0.15 3 0.45 4 0.6 3 0.45 2 0.3 Nutrition 0.10 2 0. 2 4 0.4 3 0.3 1 0.1 TOTAL 1.0 13 2.75 14 2.45 15 3.05 11 3.15 NB: Score= Rating* Weight. Explanation of ratings and scores After summing up the ratings for the four restaurant alternatives, alternative C has the highest rating of 15 followed by B with 14 while D has the lowest sum rating of 11. However, when the total scores are calculated from the rating and the weights, D has the highest score of 3.15 while B has the lowest score of 2.45. The total weighting for the criteria was calculated as 1.0. In terms of the cost criteria, restaurant alternative C attains the highest score of 1.2 while D receives the lowest score with a 0.3 score. In terms of service, alternative A receives the highest score with 1.0 while alternative B receives the lowest score with 0.25. Alternative D scores the highest in terms of the taste criteria with a score of 0.8 while A scores the lowest with 0.2. Alternatives B and C receive the same score in terms of convenience though they differ in other criteri a. Alternative B is the best in terms of convenience with a score of 0.6 while alternative D is the worst with a score of 0.3. Alternative A and C attain the same score in terms of convenience with a score of 0.45. In terms of the nutrition criteria which has the lowest weight among the other criteria, alternative B receives the highest score with 0.4 while alternative D receives the lowest with a 0.1 score. Choosing the best alternative The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Vietnam War Essay Example for Free

The Vietnam War Essay The Vietnam War is a conflict with Vietnamese against itself, North Vietnam or the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam, wherein the Americans got involved mistakenly and honorably. (see Wikipedia) It is an effort to unify Vietnam into a single state. But then it is considered as false and dishonest theory. As per John Pilger, this war is an invasion of Vietnam’s homeland and lives. (see Global Issues) It is by far the longest war in the century of America against North and South of Vietnam. The Vietnam conflict with America is included in the Second Indochina dated 1954-1975 that grew out from the long conflict between France and Vietnam. (see Wikipedia) It is widely reflected in history and media that America lost this war because of the guerilla movement in Vietnam. (see Global Issues)   It is also believed that America lost this war due to the contribution of media that is against it. (see Global Issues) Actually, Vietnam approached US for assistance in building a nation from the Second Word War and mainly from French imperialism to achieved control for South Vietnam. (see Global Issues) It is believed that US supported Vietnam’s independence and determination. But then, US turned down the assistance that is why they turned to the other superpower at that time, the Soviet Union. (see Global Issues) Ho Chi Minh, communist leader, appealed to President Truman for assistance because Vietnamese wanted to pattern their constitution with the American government. (see Global Issues) But America declined to support their freedom and instead allied with the French. Vietnam was then forced to turn to China and the Soviet Union. (see Global Issues) United States is believed to give support to South Vietnam. They deployed personnel and US military advisers in 1956 to be responsible for training the army of South Vietnam. (see Global Issues) President Nixon purpose was to strengthen South Vietnam. US declined to support North Vietnam due to their communist belief to which US is not partaking. They came to aid the regime in the South who were said to be attacked by the North Vietnamese. (see Global Issues) The opposition said that America really lost the war. It is included in the criticism of the media. There are two most influential beliefs on why America lost this war. First, media undermined the military and political effort through media coverage, especially on television, in America. (see Global Issues) Second is that most of the journalists and broadcasters were against the war. It is on the whole of American media which resulted that war is a â€Å"failed crusade.† (see Global Issues) It has been reported that South Vietnamese had taken up arms to defend their villages and homeland. The North Vietnam Government was not recognized by the United States and the reason why US declined to assist because it is believe to be â€Å"improper† to acknowledge such correspondence. (see Global Issues) During the war, it is believed that it was the time where US dispatched its greatest ever land army and even offered the French two atomic bombs to use prior to its defeat in 1954. (see Global Issues) They pursued military strategies designed for people to abandon homes like usage of chemicals. Millions of people were killed and maimed, some were Americans and the rest are Vietnamese. The agreement to end the war included $3.25 billion of grant aid for 5 years to which was never paid. (see Global Issues) It is supposed to be for the postwar reconstruction but Vietnam did not reveal all the prisoners of the war who were supposedly part of the deal to aid. (see Global Issues) This is a tragic issue for Americans who have been unaware of the fate of their loved ones. (see Global Issues) The Vietnam conflict with the intervention of America is not really a war between the two countries. It is said that America lost this war. But America did not really lose it because in the first place, America was there to become an ally and just to support South Vietnamese for their fight against aggression from the North. Ineffectiveness is a more appropriate term. The way that Americans implemented their policy is ineffective in this conflict. America’s main goal is to unite Vietnam into one state. (see Global Issues) America failed to achieve that goal. The conflict highlighted more on the Cold War ideological battle. It reported and portrayed on the killings and tragedies that happened in the War. It focused more on the bad mistake. The good intentions were rarely questioned and carried out poorly. The media made coverage of America in an extremely one-sided story. (see Global Issues) It resulted to inaccurate reporting because only fragments were told. They mainly focused on the nature of the war. The atrocity of the war were mistakenly branded and blundered. Americans are on the side of South Vietnam that opposed the aggression from the communist, the North Vietnam. What really happened in this war was â€Å"internal aggression.† (see Global Issues) Wherein they invaded and attacked their own country and people. But then there were confusion on who really were â€Å"allies† on this war. The non-communist South Vietnam was said to be invaded by the communist, North Vietnam. (see Global Issues) United States therefore came to the side of the â€Å"democratic† regime in the South. But it was reported untrue. It is because Ho Chi Minh sent regular forces to assist the American attacks. (see Global Issues) He was persuaded to send regular armies to support the South in their opposition to American invasion. (see Global Issues) America lost the war in Vietnam. But millions of acres of forest were destroyed through herbicides poisoning, millions of people were slaughtered, rice fields were left with spots of bomb craters after â€Å"winning† its freedom. It is believed that in a war, no one really win or lose. Though they achieved what they are fighting for, they lose a great deal as well. Vietnam might have the independence and freedom they wanted but it caused them a lot before they achieved it. In contrast, America is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. They still aid and support other countries. But what is the measurement of victory? Is it shown in wealth or material possessions? Or is it measured by power? Or achieving what we really wanted though nothing was left afterwards? Winning does not end or achieve from a certain period of time. Victorious winning is seen on how you live after or if you were able to cope up with life after the battle. Fighting for what you desire and achieving it is a great reward for winning. On the process of achieving for these goals, you may lose some, but gain some as well. It really doesn’t matter if Vietnam conflict is a Winnable War. What matters most is the lesson learned from this war. The experiences happened, whether good or bad. Making things better and hoping that none of this will happen again in the future. To be able to have a peaceful world that can only be attained if we will not let selfishness rule over us. Most people believed that US lost the war. But Vietnam was destroyed to its core where it could be a pool of hope for the next generation and development option in Asia. If only plans were made and done effectively, things might have been different or it could be better than what happened. REFERENCES: Shah, Anup (29 December 2002). Media Propaganda and Vietnam. Retrieved October 15, 2006, from War, Propaganda and the Media Website: Vietnam War Retrieved October 15, 2006, from Wikipedia Website:

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Back Ground of the Company Xerox

Back Ground of the Company Xerox Haloed Corporation was renamed in 1961 as XEROX. Photocopier was their main product which was introduced in 1959.Xerox was the only company in the market providing photocopier. The company monopolized the market as the only seller of photocopier and this monopoly was well protected by patents. The logical result of this monopoly was the over confidence of the company. They made their own standards and trusted heavily on them. Joint ventures were the method adopted by XEROX to hit the international market. In 1959 RANK XEROX was registered and was assigned a target to hit the market European and African market. In 1962 FUJI XEROX worked in the domain of FAR EAST and ASIAN PACIFIC. Average and high level market was the target of XEROX and had nothing to do with low level market. Competition Monopoly complaint against XEROX was filed by the Federal Trade Commission in 1973. In 1975 XEROX took away its patents. Many other companies jumped in and between1971 and 1980 about 147 companies got hold of the market. The result was obvious and XEROX lost about50%of the market share. Middle and high level market was captured by IBM and Eastman Kodak . New technology was introduced by these companies and took a   good share of the market from XEROX. The low level market was captured by Japanese firms. The products for the low level market were not in the domain of XEROX and that is why it could not compete the Japanese companies. The Japanese then came into the middle and high level industry. Their product was favored because it was easy to use and preserve. Diversification In 1969, Xerox assumed technological information system also called scientific data system. With the help of scientific data system, Xerox developed mainframe computers. They afterward traded it off in 1975 at loss of 1.4 billion. In 1970 the company bought disables system; it developed daisy wheel printer and computer memories. Xerox merged memory writer, a company which was producing typewriters. This   was   a successful deal, as the company was able to capture 20% of the typewriter market. The Xerox developed its own research center which designed a new electronic printing technology. This also a lot the company to hold majority of the market purchasing foster in 1983, and then acquiring van Kampen market, company got good position in the market. Xerox in the 1950 Peter McCullough wanted to implement quality circle activity in the company which he observed during his stay in Japan. A team was sent to Japan to study the activity in 1978, the team also Study General Motors and the other US manufactures. The result of the study was the involvement of the employees in the company would be fruitful in future. To implement the decision of involvement of employees in company. Dr. Harold J. Tragash was hired in 1979. The 30% of the work force was given training in 1980.the employees were divided into 100 groups. These groups participated into the fairs of company and the result were as listed: Cost reduction. Employee satisfaction. Improvement in product quality. In 1982, David Keans become the CEO of the company, he placed off employees and quitted 2100 employees by 1983, Business effectiveness in 1980, Dwight F. Ryan was made the dead of business effectiveness department. He was given the following tasks: Improve productivity Reduce cost Improve customer satisfaction. The policy of the involvement of the employees in the affairs of the company became the first step towards the business effectiveness. Company structure was changed in Ju8ly 1981 abd the business was made into strategic Business unitys. Business system department was handed over to Dwight F.Ryan. fifty Top managers along with David Kean held a meeting in September 1981.which was ended to strong suggestion s to implement business effectiveness with force on employee involvement and competitive benchmarking. Keans, Rechired and Teagash worked very hard on three goals i.e. increase in productivity cost, effectiveness and customer orientation. Fuji Xerox Fuji Xerox was facing new competition in the world market in 1970. Japan being the leader in business activity, posed though competition for Fuji Xerox which h had base in Japan. The solution came in 1976 in the shape of â€Å" the New Xerox Movement â€Å". Demining award for quality was awarded to Fuji Xerox in 198. This was the result of this new movement. David Kearns visited Japan to find out the causes of winning the   award . He studied deeply the Fuji Xerox model. In 1982 Targash Richard d and their staff worked o a business strategy effectiveness for Xerox. Theyir study was based upon the Fuji Xerox model.   They had a number of meeting with David Kearns and finely on July 1980, a new strategy called â€Å"Pursuit og Execellence†was put   forward by the team.the team consisted of Senior managers which worked hard to form   new stretgy adnn method of its implementation .In 1982 David Nadler and Delta consulting groups was hired to follow the Fuji Xerox model. Blue Book (a management-Change) In1983, Kearns held a meeting with cooperate management committee and operating units heads about Blue Book. Twenty five executives gave their opinion about Blue Book. The wuality experts Phil Crosly and W. Edwards were also invited to speak at   the meeting. The main objective of the blue book were: Quality improvement, by doing things right and doing them well. To improve long term business success. Quality determined by customers. Provide training by all levels. To make the senior managers as role models. A system of employee quality reward system to be set up. Leadership throughQuality: Quality strategy became the responsibility of 25 executives to whom David Kearns held a meeting in February in 1983.he explain the meaning of Quality as doing things right the first time.The blue book was not presented as finished product ,instead it was used for briefing product and discussion. The exective of Xerox were divided into two parts. One worked for communication and the other worked for reward and recognition. The outcome of these groups were as follow: The concept of â€Å"Leadership through quality† was introduced. The idea of Xerox quality was given. Quality ws defined as meeting customer existing and their requirements in future. Improving quality means understanding and working to satisfy the customers requirements. Kearns emphasized on Quality as well as on keeping eye on the challenges going around in other industries. He was the opinion that is was the time to change the culture and timae to introduced the quality culture at Xerox . In august 1983, the system for Xerox was changed to insure quality. Cooperate Quality Office On March 29, 1983, cooperate quality office started functioning. Fred. B. Henderson became vice president for quality. He was also elected as cooperate office by the board of directors. Henderson emphasized on employee involvement, competitive benchmarking and leadership through quality. According to John Kelsch quality award business strategy are closely related. A change in quality would be a change in strategy. Quality strategy is more useful than product strategy. Quality implantation team was selected which was working in cooperate quality office. Each business group was given representation in the office. Nine erecutive were from the field and six executives were from the cooperate office including Tragash and Richard.Each member was named as vice president for quality and had to report its departmental head. In April 1983 a six a six month strategy was implanted by QIT. The member had their concern over its implantation. Firstly would it work and secondly will the company stick to the changes. There was another very important concern and that was about timeframe. There were of the view that it would change the culture and than larger period of time will be required for adjustment. And other sections of member were of the opinion that too much work is required for this applications and the original task will be showed. After the formation of quality implementation team (QIT),the quality training task force was made. The range of work set for QIT was to implement the change and quality training task force (QITF) would provide training to the employees. The member of QIT will share ideas, get input from the parent department.adn establish the home office stake in process. In 1983 the team produce second blue book for implementation at the end of the meeting, they had a strategic plan in their hand and was named as green book. The green book gave stress in quality strategy, and short term programs which produce long term leadership. The goals of green book were as follow: Setting goals which are yet to achieve. There must be a strategy for quality and implement. The working method. The green book was consisted on 92 pages its range of study was consisted of 92 pages. Its range of study was the cost of quality, outline for quality implement process problem solving process and tool for served strategically problems. It gave the idea that competitive bench marking is the key tool for several statistical problems. it gave the idea that competitive bench marking is   the key tool for evaluating Xerox. This green book was implanted from 1983 to 1987. The most important and positive aspect of this whole exercise was the training. Each training was given a problem they would have to solve them. The training was given from top to bottom. Managers were trained first and then they participated in the training of their subordinates this training was named as cascade. Changes and Opportunities Occurred In 40 Years Strength in the Past: In the beginning, Xerox enjoyed pure monopoly; there was no competitor in the market. The product of company was well protected by patents. This pure monopoly gave the following benefits to the Xerox. There was no price pressure from the competitors. It could fix and alter the price according to its own will. The company could increase their price by decreasing its production. There was no risk of over production. Other company completely controlled the market. During first fifteen years the main products were Xerox 914, the first plane paper Xerox 813, the first desktop plain paper and first photocopier. By 1965, company revenues crossed $500 million. In 1975, Xerox was forced by the federal trade communication to license its copies to other manufactures. Xerox monopolized the upper level market for a long time and during this period; the company extended its product line. Strength Today: The strength of the company lays the following facts: It had a good brand name image. The company was the pioneer in its filed. Good quality products, best technologies and good services gave a stronger out look to the company. Even Japanese companies did not enjoy such a strong image. The slogan of total satisfaction guarantee according to which instead of monetary refund the products are replaced, became a reason for its bigger image. The company had excellent quality management team. Employees participation in operational decisions made a very strong image of the company in local and international market. The people working in the organization are proactive in nature then re active. The employee participation in the affair of company to find out the demands of customers. Weakness in the past The company got over confident because of the monopoly enjoyed by it for a long time. The company started taking things causally. For Example â€Å"the receipt provided to purchaser had only product code on it rather than the product name. The purchaser would not know if he caught what he asked for. Internal competition was another weakness in the past. There was a competition among the employees which badly affected the organization effectiveness. And knowledge management practices. The other result of this internal competition were the isolation of the information, lose of employees, breaks in the organizational flow charts and corporate disloyalty. Another weakness of the company was that it was not targeting the low level market. Xerox only targeted higher market. Xerox could have increased its profits if they would have targeted low markets. With the arrival of new competition, Xerox tried to improve its quality. It failed to do so because of its scattered efforts. There was a lack of collective efforts. Weakness Today The following are the weaknesses of Xerox Corporation: Total quality management implementation resulted in high over head costs. Financial position of Xerox is not very good. 100% quality concept created a negative competitive position for Xerox. As customers are not ready to pay for exceptional quality and services. Fixed asset turn over as increase in recent years. But the total asset turnover ratio has decreased. It is because of the reason that the company has increased its inventory requirements by its product replacement concepts. Leverage ratios are increased where as profitability ratios are decreased.   Opportunities in The Past Since Xerox enjoyed monopoly in its products therefore the whole world was its market. The company availed its opportunities and targeted the different regions of the world. This goal was achieved by joint ventures with other companies, the details of which furnished below: Xerox got into joint venture with a British company named as Rank Organization in 1959. The joint venture came in the market with the name Rank Xerox. The target of this company was to manufacture and market Xerox equipment in Europe, Africa and Asia. Modi Xerox (Xerox India) was a joint venture between Rank Xerox and Modi group in India and its rang was Indian subcontinent. Fuji Xerox was established in 1962. Which was a joint venture of Rank Xerox and the Japanese photography firm Fuji Photo Film Co. They aimed Far East and Asia Pacific region for the xerographic and document related products and services in these regions. Opportunities Today Following may be the opportunities of Xerox Corporation: Diversification into more product lines. Expansion into more production foreign market. By diversifying into more product lines and by finding new potation markets such as Europe and South East Asia, the company can increase its business and establish its credibility in the international market. Threats in the Past There was no self benchmark in the company and it heavily relied own internal benchmark. There are positive points in internal benchmarking as it is cost effective. It is easy to gain access to all the information required. The negative aspect of the internal benchmarking is that we cannot get information about the competitors and the other outside parties. Internal benchmark may not be adequate to face the external pressure. Keeping in mind the drawbacks it is better to use external benchmarking. External benchmarking is a useful way of studying of performance measured taken by successful organizations with in the same industries or the different industry and learning for them. It is also useful for studying the various systems and processes. The idea that benchmarking is done against in the company in the same industry is a miss concept.   Monopoly case was registered to Federal Trade Commission in 1973 and as a result of this Xerox had to take away its patents in 1975. Monopoly was changed into monopolistic competition in the market which was a great threat to the company. Between 1971 and 1978, 77 different plain paper copiers came into the market and between 1978 to 1980, 70 more companies listed their mark in the market. This shattered the shares of the company which dropped from 100 % to 50 %. After the removal of monopoly of Xerox, many Japanese companies entered in photocopy business. And targeted the low level markets. Xerox could not compete as it had no product to offer the low level market. Japanese after getting the good position in the lower market, started to move toward the mid and upper level markets. Their products were better, easy to use, easy t maintain and more efficient. It was a big blow to Xerox.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Enlightenment in Latin America :: American America History

Enlightenment in Latin America How Did The Enlightenment Effect Latin America? Enlightenment ideas in Latin America took place during the 1700's to the early 1800's. These ideas were appealed to the people because they taught that man was free and that all were equal. These ideas were important especially in countries were slavery existed and countries under the control of foreign powers. The Spark that ignited wide spread revolt was napoleon's invasion of Spain. He ousted the Spanish king and placed his brother Joseph on the Spanish throne. Latin American leaders saw Spain's opportunity to reject foreign domination and demand independence from colonial rule. Two places that were influenced by the enlightenment were Haiti and South America. Toussaint L'Ouverture was also influenced by the enlightenment. Haiti had over a half million enslaved Africans working on sugar plantations owned by the French. The sugar was hugely profitable, but conditions for enslaved worker were horrendous. Many were cruelly over worked and under fed. Haiti also had a population of both free and enslaved mulattoes. Free mulattoes, however, had few right and were badly treated by the French. In 1791, a slave revolt exploded in northern Haiti. Under the able leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture, Haitians would fight for freedom and pave the way for throwing off French rule. In South America, Native Americans had rebelled against Spanish rule as early as the 1700s. These rebellions had limited results, however it was not until 1800s that discontent among the Creoles sparked a widespread drive for independence. Educated Creoles like Simo ¢n Bolivar applauded the French and American Revolutions. He dreamed of winning independence for his country. When Napoleon occupied Spain, Simo ¢n returned to his South America and led an uprising that established a republic in his native Venezuela. But his newly found republic quickly toppled by conservative forces. Bolivar then got a daring idea; he would march his forces across the Andes and attack the Spanish at Bogotà ¡. He managed to free Caracas then moved into Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru to do the same. The man responsible for setting these uprising into action was Toussaint L'Ouverture. As a child he was born into slavery. His father thought him at an early age to take pride in his African heritage. Toussaint learned to speak both French and his native African language. Thanks to a kind master he also learned to read. When slave revolts broke out in 1791 he was almost 50 years old, his intelligence and military skills earned him a place as a leader.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Me, Myself and I Essay

My Family, I admit I had a big family. My family is not perfect like others. Well, I just say that we are living well. Ate at least 3x a day, wear a normal dresses bond with them at least once a month. However, sometimes we did not expect some circumstances and trials that came into our lives. Although we are not complete, we did not lose hope instead, we kept holding each other’s hand, always pray unto God to support and never let go of us, and give us enough strength to face it. That is all I can tell about my family. I do not want to talk about some stuffs regarding about my family because it is kindda controversial. Ok I’ll get to introduce myself first. HAHA†¼ I am Kaye Osorio Bautista, 15 years of age. Likes? Well am not that kind of brat person if they do like me, I like them too. If they do not like me, I guess I do not like them too. That is my attitude always depends on person on how you are going to treat me. I had many of friends. Real friends I guess? Maybe because am just being so true for them. In my everyday’s lives I can’t control myself being prank with them †¦ even though am that kind of person, they still love me so I loved them back. My friends call me any kind of endearment they want or just my name. Humble, kind, silly, youthful, adorable, naughty, talkative, joyful, sometimes sweet, lovable, and bossy HAHA†¼ That’s all I can say about me and I’m very proud of being me. My future Plans. After being licensed Police of course, I used to get my stable work. Earn moneys, help my family and also I’m planning to take a short-term course which is Culinary Arts, because for me eating sweets are my stress relievers and I want to know about more pasturing . Example of essay about myself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Effects of Salt Water on Gummy Bears

Marisela Andrade The Effects of Salt Water on Gummy Bears Facilitated diffusion depends on passive transport. Molecules cross cell membrane by diffusion. A type of diffusion is osmosis. If no energy is input into the system during diffusion, the molecules will reach a state of equilibrium. The purpose of this experiment was to study why the death occurred among those who drank salt water. Two blue gummy bears had a height of 2 centimeters each. The mass of these gummy bears together were 5. 28 grams.Two orange gummy bears had a height of 2 centimeters each. The mass of these gummy bears together were 5. 37 grams. The blue gummy bears were contained in water for 24 hours while the orange gummy bears were kept in a container filled with 3. 5% salt water for 24 hours. The gummy bears were taken out of these containers after 24 hours and measured for their mass and height again. The blue gummy bears height decreased to 1. 8 centimeters each and its mass decreased by 32%. The orange gummi es height increased to 2. 5 centimeters and its mass increased by 62%.Gummy bears are made up of a mixture of sugar and glucose syrup along with citric acid and gelatin. Citric acid is an organic acid to add a sour taste to food and drinks. Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the skin. Therefore, the salt water entered the blue gummy bear and mixed up with the sugar and glucose syrup leaving it small and hard. The orange gummy bear increased in size and mass because the water entered the body and mixed up with ingredients, causing the gelatin to grow.

The Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilsons Plan for Peace

The Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilsons Plan for Peace November 11 is, of course, Veterans Day. Originally called Armistice Day, it marked the ending of World War I in 1918. It also marked the beginning of an ambitious foreign policy plan by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. Known as the Fourteen Points, the plan- which ultimately failed- embodied many elements of what we today call globalization. Historical Background World War I, which began in August 1914, was the result of decades of imperial competition between the European monarchies. Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Russia all claimed territories around the globe. They also conducted elaborate espionage schemes against each other,  engaged in a continuous arms race, and constructed a precarious system of military alliances. Austria-Hungary laid claim to much of the Balkan region of Europe, including Serbia. When a Serbian rebel killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, a string of events forced the European nations to mobilize for war against each other. The main combatants were: The Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, TurkeyThe Entente Powers: France, Great Britain, Russia The U.S. in the War The United States did not enter World War I until April 1917 but its list of grievances against warring Europe dated back to 1915. That year, a German submarine (or U-Boat) sank the British luxury steamer,  Lusitania, which carried 128 Americans. Germany had already been violating American neutral rights; the United States, as a neutral in the war, wanted to trade with all belligerents. Germany saw any American trade with an entente power as helping their enemies. Great Britain and France also saw American trade that way, but they did not unleash submarine attacks on American shipping. In early 1917, British intelligence intercepted a message from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman to Mexico. The message invited Mexico to join the war on the side of Germany. Once involved, Mexico was to ignite war in the American southwest that would keep U.S. troops occupied and out of Europe. Once Germany had won the European war, it would then help Mexico retrieve land it had lost to the United States in the Mexican War, 1846-48. The so-called Zimmerman Telegram was the last straw. The United States quickly declared war against Germany and its  allies. American troops did not arrive in France in any large numbers until late 1917. However, there were enough on hand to stop a German offensive in Spring 1918. That fall, Americans led an allied offensive that flanked the German front in France, severing the German armys supply lines back to Germany. Germany had no choice but to call for a cease-fire. The armistice went into effect at 11 a.m., on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. The Fourteen Points More than anything else, Woodrow Wilson saw himself as a diplomat. He had already roughed out the concept of the Fourteen Points to Congress and the American people months before the armistice. The  summarized Fourteen Points included: Open covenants of peace and transparent diplomacy.Absolute freedom of the seas.The removal of economic and trade barriers.An end to arms races.National self-determination to figure in adjustment of colonial claims.Evacuation of all Russian territory.Evacuation and restoration of Belgium.All French territory restored.Italian frontiers adjusted.Austria-Hungary given opportunity to autonomous development.Rumania, Serbia, Montenegro evacuated and given independence.Turkish portion of the Ottoman Empire should become sovereign; nations under Turkish rule should become autonomous; Dardanelles should be open to all.Independent Poland with access to the sea should be created.A general association of nations should be formed to guarantee political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. Points one through five attempted to eliminate the immediate causes of the war: imperialism, trade restrictions, arms races, secret treaties, and disregard of nationalist tendencies. Points six through 13 attempted to restore territories occupied during the war and set post-war boundaries, also based on national self-determination. In the 14th Point, Wilson envisioned a global organization to protect states and prevent future wars. The Treaty of Versailles The Fourteen Points served as the foundation for the Versailles Peace Conference that began outside of Paris in 1919. However, the Treaty of Versailles  was markedly different than Wilsons proposal. France- which  had been attacked by Germany in 1871 and was the site of most of the fighting in World War I- wanted to punish Germany in the treaty. While Great Britain and the United States did not agree with punitive measures, France won out. The resultant treaty: Forced Germany to sign a war guilt clause and accept full responsibility for the war.Prohibited further alliances between Germany and Austria.Created a demilitarized zone between France and Germany.Made Germany  responsible for paying  millions of dollars in reparations to the victors.Limited Germany to a defensive army only, with no tanks.Limited Germanys navy to six capital ships and no submarines.Prohibited Germany from having an air force. The victors at Versailles did accept the idea of Point 14, a League of Nations. Once created, it became the issuer of mandates which were former German territories handed over to allied nations for administration. While Wilson won the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize for his Fourteen Points, he was disappointed by the punitive atmosphere of Versailles. He was also unable to convince Americans to join the League of Nations. Most Americans- in an isolationist mood after the war- did not want any part of a global organization which could lead them into another war. Wilson campaigned throughout the U.S. trying to convince Americans to accept the League of Nations. They never did, and the League limped toward World War II with U.S. support. Wilson suffered a series of strokes while campaigning for the League, and  was debilitated for the rest of his presidency in 1921.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Self Identity

During the early months of 1997 the calls from my guidance counselor increased and became disturbing while I was in class. Within weeks our discussions went from â€Å"Antonio you need to stay out of trouble and focus on your studies† to â€Å"is this college offering your major?.† My mother brought me to America at the tender age of thirteen, with the intentions of furthering my education. At such a young age, the thought of going to college left my mind faster than it came. As I grew older, my reasons for not thinking about college were supported by television shows such as â€Å"A Different World† and â€Å" Save By The Bell the college series. † The shows portrayed the typical college student as someone with excellent High School grades, and focused on the academic burden of the student. My grades in High School averaged in the mid 80’s, and compared to the college freshman on the television series, my chances of working in Mc Donaldâ₠¬â„¢s were increasingly better. In the month of February, trips where organized to visit various colleges in the tri-state area. My best friend and I found it convenient to attend these trips, not only to relieve us of the classes we were in, but the rare opportunity to meet college girls on their turf. While visiting one particular College, I took the opportunity to ask if the coarse of study I’m interested in, is being offered. To my surprise, Dowling College did offer Travel and Tourism in addition to many others. My College advisor soon helped me fill out the application, and in one week, checking the mailbox for a reply became the daily routine. In the month of March I finally received the letter of acceptance to Dowling College. This letter was the beginning of the most important turning point, of my life. Looking back at childhood and acknowledging what changes occurred, to affect my life for the better; I realize that the images on television combined with my low self esteem, because of... Free Essays on Self Identity Free Essays on Self Identity During the early months of 1997 the calls from my guidance counselor increased and became disturbing while I was in class. Within weeks our discussions went from â€Å"Antonio you need to stay out of trouble and focus on your studies† to â€Å"is this college offering your major?.† My mother brought me to America at the tender age of thirteen, with the intentions of furthering my education. At such a young age, the thought of going to college left my mind faster than it came. As I grew older, my reasons for not thinking about college were supported by television shows such as â€Å"A Different World† and â€Å" Save By The Bell the college series. † The shows portrayed the typical college student as someone with excellent High School grades, and focused on the academic burden of the student. My grades in High School averaged in the mid 80’s, and compared to the college freshman on the television series, my chances of working in Mc Donaldâ₠¬â„¢s were increasingly better. In the month of February, trips where organized to visit various colleges in the tri-state area. My best friend and I found it convenient to attend these trips, not only to relieve us of the classes we were in, but the rare opportunity to meet college girls on their turf. While visiting one particular College, I took the opportunity to ask if the coarse of study I’m interested in, is being offered. To my surprise, Dowling College did offer Travel and Tourism in addition to many others. My College advisor soon helped me fill out the application, and in one week, checking the mailbox for a reply became the daily routine. In the month of March I finally received the letter of acceptance to Dowling College. This letter was the beginning of the most important turning point, of my life. Looking back at childhood and acknowledging what changes occurred, to affect my life for the better; I realize that the images on television combined with my low self esteem, because of...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Retail Environment and the Supply Chain of Online and Offline Assignment

The Retail Environment and the Supply Chain of Online and Offline Retailing of the Music Industry - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that home stereos had initially become popular and truly affordable during the 1980s, which brought about a boom in home entertainment devices. At that period of time, it was unimaginable that in the following two or three decades, record shops would barely exist anymore. However, the shift in buying patterns of the consumers from offline to online retail has led to the stark reality where physical shops have nearly disappeared from the retail panorama. With fewer shops, there is the even lesser number of distributors catering to the offline retail chain. The prices should be compared against that of competitors and price adjustments should be made accordingly. A product tracking interface could be developed in order to track and assert all the titles so that those can be stacked in one place. Comparing products against those of the competitors helps the retailer to gain better knowledge pertaining to product positioning strategies. The produ cts assorted can be further filtered in terms of discount range, price range, publisher, and genre. The retailers can make use of advanced technological developments to analyze the assortments by genre, music company, price range, singers or other dimensions that are deemed fit. The gaps, thus, discovered in the product catalog will help strengthen assortment structure of the retail shop and the weak categories can be developed by benchmarking assortment against that offered by the competitors. Keeping tabs on the competitor’s product strategies is an important part of successful retailing. The music albums that the competitors are featuring as well as the genres wherein heavy discounts are being offered should be researched. Apart from being up-to-date with the competitor knowledge, the retailer must also upgrade his stocks appropriately such that titles and albums promoted by the competitors are available and priced attractively. The retailer should be able to receive alert s on stock outs, price changes, promotions for the key titles and new introductions.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Response #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response #2 - Essay Example When generating a response to this article one must realize the assumption that Americanization has realty increased the commercial industry in the country. In an argument by Outhwaite Americanization defines the true commercial industry in the United States (41). The author further argues that Americanization is responsible for the growth of industries in the United States and around the world that have experienced Americanization (Outhwaite 41). In support to the article, Americanization has now found its roots across the globe as nations like china experienced commercial battles for American industry. Additionally, it is an obvious assumption that major business entities with great histories have their origin in the United States. This is due to the fact that Americanization quickly became an international vice after full dominance of the America market. Outhwaite also argues that it took a less significant time for Americanization to fully dominate the Americas (78). In the article on nationalism, the author fails to identify the true definition of the term. This is because they believe in more than just one definition from a historical point of view. Methodological Nationalism in America dates back to the historical approaches of nationalism. Outhwaite argues that one cannot define nationalism in the United States without considering the fact that the historical definition has a significant weight in defining the term (102). The article however, disregards the argument and focuses on the argument on whether methodological nationalism united or divides the United States. Additionally, the author focuses on the ability of the modern American citizen and government to appreciate the historical approaches to nationalism (Outhwaite 102). In creating a response to the article, one must recognize the fact the article does not provide a true definition of methodological nationalism. The

Research paper on the wife of his youth Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

On the wife of his youth - Research Paper Example He refers to people of the black race as â€Å"black†, but Liza Jane is ruder in her expressions concerning race. Chesnutt chooses an interesting way for reflection of relations between the social and moral values and their reference to property and show (Bryant, 2000). Liza shows her eternal love and Mr. Ryder reflects his ideas and responsibilities concerning Liza Jane as his original love. Mr. Ryder was not afraid of acknowledging his wife from plantations after years of separation: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the woman, and I am the man, whose story I have told you. Permit me to introduce to you the wife of my youth", - with these words Mr. Ryder introduced his wife of his youth into the refined and elegant society (Chesnutt). He challenged his world of upper class and he believed only in relations between a man and a woman and he did not mind skin color, but only was pleased by her perfect lips and beauty†¦Mr. Ryder was not scared off by the society and in spite of the fact that he was one of the leaders of the Blue Vein Societies, he demonstrated his neutral attitude to the Africa n Americans (Fienberg, 1999). It is a perfect example of the way a privileged class is presented in a positive light in relation to black-skinned people. Nowadays the problem of racial discrimination still exists, notwithstanding that there has been a lasting struggle with it. He proved that the color of skin did not matter much and even though Mr. Ryder tried to hide his real attitude to black skinned people behind his refined dictionary, Liza Jane helps him to get rid of this mask. This is a story about a brave man and a modest woman: his bravery made him rise above social and racial prejudices and her love and modesty made her accept this man as her original husband, a husband of her youth. Therefore, this story by Chesnutt is very impressive and the modern society can learn many interesting things from complex racial

Discuss and evaluate the social, physical and psychological needs of Essay

Discuss and evaluate the social, physical and psychological needs of children when particpating in sport and exercise - Essay Example In recent years, experts are trying to investigate the social, physical, and psychological needs of children, so that efficient steps can be taken to ensure their proper development. This paper will specifically discuss some of such needs that are essential for children during their sport activities and exercises. It is very imperative to provide positive environment to children, which can motivate them in enhancing their different skills. It is observed that atmosphere plays an important role during sport activities, and one of the significant physical needs for children is a positive and proper environment that should be safe, healthy, secure, as well as, near to nature, as children develops intellectually more quickly in natural environment, rather than artificial one. (Humphrey, pp. 23-25) In addition, children are very sensitive and studies have indicated that a biased environment often reverses their development process. In this regard, guardians and teachers should consider providing opportunity to every child to show his talent and skills, in order to avoid any kind of inferiority or complex, which can be very complicated for their personality development in future. Furthermore, appropriate training is necessary to avoid any kind of psychological abuse that may affect children during participation in sport activities. In this regard, a number of social, physical, and psychological needs are essential and important to enhance the process of personality development in children around the globe. It is hoped that the paper will be beneficial for students, teachers, and professionals in better understanding of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International Perspective on Environmental Health Assignment

International Perspective on Environmental Health - Assignment Example The major reason for the change in climate within the Vietnam is because of the activities increasing the emission of greenhouse gases. There are a lot of options for climate change mitigation for Vietnam. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases below the current levels, or reducing the emissions in the current decade could offset the projected global emissions growth. The efficiency of distribution and supply could improve for better energy supplements. Similarly, using vehicles with cleaner diesel, fuel efficiency or hybrid vehicles could help promote transport solutions. Moreover, shifting the mode of transport from road to public and rail could also promote climate change mitigation (1). According to UNEP, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution by replacing fossil fuels with bio-fuels is of primary concern right now (2, p.543). According to the report by Pham, Vietnam has a large potential of agricultural and biomass by-products. An estimate of 53.45 million tons of agricultural by-products and 25.09 million tons of wood biomass has been recorded for Vietnam (3). According to the experts from the IMHEN (Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment) at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment claimed that the impact of climatic change can cause negative effects on the lives of the people and economy. The government of Vietnam was a keen participant in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climatic Change, which shows that the government is keen to make changes in the field of developing measures against the negative climatic changes. According to a lot of studies carried out, it has been revealed that Indonesia is at a great risk of the impacts that will be caused by the climatic changes. These revelations have been backed up by the Asian Development Bank (4), Dasgupta et. Al (5, p. 3-4) and Yusuf and Francisco (6). Indonesia plays an important role in the global mitigation actions because of its

Top 10 News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Top 10 News - Essay Example This article effectively provides the details that it promised it would in the lead. This article starts off with a look at the Prince Charles and Diana wedding and then talks about the Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding that took place recently. It mainly talks about the government and the general population and attempts to look at how this wedding actually affects the average person, if at all. The marriages of other royals are also mentioned in passing. There is one picture with the article and that is of the massive crowds that gathered to watch the wedding. It seems an appropriate picture in this case as the article does discuss the people who watched the wedding and their attitudes towards the monarchy rather than give details of the wedding itself. This articles starts with a reaction from Chile’s president followed by a details of a major face in this event-the shift manager who tried to keep things organised underground when the miners were trapped. There is a brief description of the events that led to this rescue followed by the names of the men who were trapped underground. The article is effectively written. This article describes the destruction in Haiti as a result of the earthquake that occurred. It provides information about what other countries have said about their staff in the country and also the scale of the destruction. There are three pictures and the first is a schematic showing the epicentre of the earthquake. The second and third are satellite images of two cities affected by the earthquake. The first picture is appropriate for this article as are the other two. This article is very effectively written. The lead provides us with an indication as to the scale of the event by mentioning that this is the biggest earthquake and tsunami in Japan’s history. The article goes on to discuss the concerns over the nuclear plant, reports on Japan’s main city Tokyo and provides information of international

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss and evaluate the social, physical and psychological needs of Essay

Discuss and evaluate the social, physical and psychological needs of children when particpating in sport and exercise - Essay Example In recent years, experts are trying to investigate the social, physical, and psychological needs of children, so that efficient steps can be taken to ensure their proper development. This paper will specifically discuss some of such needs that are essential for children during their sport activities and exercises. It is very imperative to provide positive environment to children, which can motivate them in enhancing their different skills. It is observed that atmosphere plays an important role during sport activities, and one of the significant physical needs for children is a positive and proper environment that should be safe, healthy, secure, as well as, near to nature, as children develops intellectually more quickly in natural environment, rather than artificial one. (Humphrey, pp. 23-25) In addition, children are very sensitive and studies have indicated that a biased environment often reverses their development process. In this regard, guardians and teachers should consider providing opportunity to every child to show his talent and skills, in order to avoid any kind of inferiority or complex, which can be very complicated for their personality development in future. Furthermore, appropriate training is necessary to avoid any kind of psychological abuse that may affect children during participation in sport activities. In this regard, a number of social, physical, and psychological needs are essential and important to enhance the process of personality development in children around the globe. It is hoped that the paper will be beneficial for students, teachers, and professionals in better understanding of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Top 10 News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Top 10 News - Essay Example This article effectively provides the details that it promised it would in the lead. This article starts off with a look at the Prince Charles and Diana wedding and then talks about the Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding that took place recently. It mainly talks about the government and the general population and attempts to look at how this wedding actually affects the average person, if at all. The marriages of other royals are also mentioned in passing. There is one picture with the article and that is of the massive crowds that gathered to watch the wedding. It seems an appropriate picture in this case as the article does discuss the people who watched the wedding and their attitudes towards the monarchy rather than give details of the wedding itself. This articles starts with a reaction from Chile’s president followed by a details of a major face in this event-the shift manager who tried to keep things organised underground when the miners were trapped. There is a brief description of the events that led to this rescue followed by the names of the men who were trapped underground. The article is effectively written. This article describes the destruction in Haiti as a result of the earthquake that occurred. It provides information about what other countries have said about their staff in the country and also the scale of the destruction. There are three pictures and the first is a schematic showing the epicentre of the earthquake. The second and third are satellite images of two cities affected by the earthquake. The first picture is appropriate for this article as are the other two. This article is very effectively written. The lead provides us with an indication as to the scale of the event by mentioning that this is the biggest earthquake and tsunami in Japan’s history. The article goes on to discuss the concerns over the nuclear plant, reports on Japan’s main city Tokyo and provides information of international

Types of Literature Essay Example for Free

Types of Literature Essay 1) Novella A novella is the name given to a work that is longer than a short story, but too brief to be listed as a novel. Typically, most novellas can range from anywhere between 50 to 100 pages, though length can vary. Some literary critics characterize the maximum length of a novella to be 100,000 words. Today, the novella is rarely sold as an individual work. More frequently, several novellas are compiled into one book, or a novella will be grouped with a number of short stories by the same author. (Ex. John W. Campbell’s Who goes there? ) 2) Novel A novel is a fictional piece of prose usually written in a narrative style. Novels tell stories, which are typically defined as a series of events described in a sequence. The novel has been a part of human culture for over a thousand years, although its origins are somewhat debated. Regardless of how it began, the novel has risen to prominence and remained one of the most popular and treasured examples of human culture and writing. (Ex.Moby Dick by Herman Melville) 3) Poetry art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. (Ex. How to change a frog into a Prince by Anna Denise) 4) Drama is a literary composition involving conflict, action crisis and atmosphere designed to be acted by players on a stage before an audience. This definition may be applied to motion picture drama as well as to the traditional stage. (Ex. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare) 5) Short Story are written works that are usually fiction. They are sometimes known as micro fiction or flash fiction, and they are exceptionally short pieces that tell a story in a brief amount of space and time. Most short short stories are shorter than 1500 words, and some are even as short as 500 words. It is exceptionally difficult to tell a complete story in such a short amount of space, so these types of stories can be quite a challenge for writers. Literary magazines and other websites or print publications will often print such stories to fill a small amount of space at press time. (Ex. The Clever Fox)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Globalisation: The Food Industry In Philippines

Globalisation: The Food Industry In Philippines This study aims to explore how globalization has affected the food industry in the Philippines. By looking at the Nestle Company, the research paper seeks to look at Multinationals as agents of globalization and how they have affected the Philippines food industry. Research design/methodology: This study employs descriptive research method. This type of research approach involves data analysis, and a particular set of questions, which do not deflect certain topics. The researcher analyzed the data presented on the impacts of Nestle in the food industry in Philippines guided by specific designed questions. Findings: The study found out that Multinationals act as agents of globalization. By looking into the Nestlà © Company, the research found out that Multinationals act as agents of globalization affecting the food industry both negatively and positively. Limitations: The research employs primary and secondary data hence it would be difficult to find out whether the data is true or biased. Recommendations: In order to reach a generalized conclusion, more study needs to be conducted in this unexplored area of study. Value: Considering the rise of Multinationals, the paper will assist governments to be able to implement proper policies while dealing with Multinationals in their nation states. Key words:-MNC (Multinational Corporations), globalization, socialization, colonization, third world countries. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction, Aims and Objectives, Research Questions and Hypothesis 4 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Overall Aims and Objectives of the research 9 1.3 Hypotheses: 10 Chapter 2: Literature Review 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.1.1 Theory 11 Chapter 3: Methodology 21 3.1 Introduction 21 3.1 Research Design 22 Chapter 4: Data presentation, Evidence, Analysis and discussion 26 4.1 Introduction 26 4.2 Data analysis 26 4.2.1 T-Test Analysis 27 Chapter 5: Conclusion 33 5.5 Conclusion 33 5.4 Limitations of the study 35 5.6 Recommendations 35 Time Scale and plan 36 Questionnaire 38 List of References 42 Chapter One Introduction, Aims and Objectives, Research Questions and Hypothesis 1.1 Introduction This research paper is designed to assess the effects of globalization on the food industry in the Philippines. It is motivated by the controversies that have surfaced on the role of these Multinational Corporations (MNCs) as agents of globalization in the Philippines. Globalization has resulted in a lot of positive and negative impacts especially in the third world countries (Robertson, 1992). In the sector of agriculture, crops that have been imported can be bought at cheaper price than domestic products. Nations states like the Philippines, which depend on agriculture as their main export and import have suffered a lot as a result of globalization. The Philippine agricultural sector only accounts for 14.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP) (Frost, 2003). For instance, crops that are imported could be bought at a much cheaper price than value. This is because globalization has created the free trade area as stated by the World Trade Organizations. Hence, nation states with higher productivity in agriculture could dump their produce to their counterparts in the third world nation state. This means that the third world nation states will be given sub standard produce (Frost, 2003). By definition, globalization implies the movement of information and people across borders of any nation state. Consequently, this transfer has control over the nation-states political, environmental and cultural affairs (Dasgupta, 2004). Economically, globalization has been able to assist nation states to grow through the introduction of various Multinational Corporations like the Nestle. As a result, these foreign direct investments bring a lot of foreign exchange in the host nation state. This foreign exchange comes from the sell of Philippines agricultural produce and products in the international market. This is a positive effect in the economy of the nation state. However, in many Asian nation states like the Philippines, majority of the population are plagued with poverty. This means that these people are more willing to work and earn the lower wages that the MNCs (Multinational Corporations) would give them. As a result of globalization, many multinational corporations have set up their branches in these nation states. MNCs (Multinational Corporations) like Nestles have managed to set up their manufacturing facilities in these nation states to benefit from the cheap labor (Jensen, 2008). This has affected the food industry in the Philippines as many local food industries are able to access cheap labor for their industries. The new industries assist the poor nation states to solve their crisis of unemployment thus reducing poverty in the nation-state. In addition, this may help in increasing the living standard of the people and increasing the contribution that the lower class in the society makes in their GDP (Frost, 2003). This ensures that the local farmers are empowered from their agricultural products thus developing food industries in the Philippines. Furthermore, lower class is socialized to be able to consume the products produced by these multinational companies. This creates local market for the products from the food industries thus generating income (Robertson, 1992). Consequently, Nestle has become very significant in building a Food industry in the Philippines. From a negative perspective, globalization has resulted in Multinational Companies like the Nestle that tend to exploit their workers. This is especially in the poor nation states like the Philippines. This is mainly because such nation-states lack proper policies and regulations to ensure that the MNCs act accordingly (Jensen, 2008). This affects the local food industry because the domestic food industries are not able to maximize on the Philippine market like their international counterparts. Most Multi nationals aim at reducing their expenditure costs while remaining competitive to the domestic market. Furthermore, most of these MNCs destroy the environment in the host countries because of lack of proper environmental policies (Athukoralge, 2007). For instance, in the fiscal year 1980, a US chemical business Union Carbide in India endured very poor working environment. The chemicals in the end resulted in explosions that killed very many people (Athukoralge, 2007). These companies seek to not only capture but also to control the resources of the host nation state. This affects the food industry because the destruction of the environment leads to the destruction of food crops and the amount of rainfall that may come in the Philippines. Consequently, this reduces the crop yields of that year. With this background, it is imperative to note that this research will employ Nestle, to depict the impact of globalization in the food industry in Philippines. The research will look into both the harmful and positive characteristics of globalization by looking into Nestlà ©s affairs in the Philippines (Nestle Philippines, 2011). Presently, the Nestle is known as a very established organization globally. The company has various food and beverages amongst its list of products. Past cases will be employed to depict the impact that globalization has in the Philippines food industry. Background The economy of Philippines heavily depends on agriculture for survival. The country of Philippines has a high level of education and literacy rate. The economy of the Philippines is relatively strong with moderate savings rates. It has been ranked as the 46th nation state globally economic wise. Additionally, the nation state has an export oriented agricultural sector (Nestle Philippines, 2011). Consequently, this has resulted in the generation of sufficient foreign exchange for the economy. Despite the fact that it was rich in natural resources, the economy of Philippines is agrarian and produces staple food to support the economy. However, the country had started growing economically with the entry of major corporations like Nestle. The Philippians industrial sector was increasing at a very fast pace. Consequently, the nation state was named as one of the nations with the utmost salary earnings in the Southeastern part of Asia (Divina Roldan, 2010). Many changes in the Philippines have been brought about because of globalization. Furthermore, globalization through MNCs has brought vast penetration of technologies and vast penetration. This has affected the food industry as more farmers are able to venture in the food industry availing more products to the consumers. The Nestle Company began from a simple idea into a giant multinational corporation. In 1866, a pharmacist named Henri formulated a food formula for babies who could not be able to tolerate breast milk. As a result, the products became so successful that the entire Europe demanded for the product (Nestle Philippines, 2011). Because of the popularity, great companies desired to merge with it. Between 1866 and 1947, the company had changed its name severally to suit the mergers. For instance, in 1905, a company named Farine Lactee Henri Nestle and Anglo-Swiss condensed milk Co merged with Nestle to create Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. These consolidations permit a company to improve on the efficiency of production through scale economies. In addition, these mergers result in the closing down of firms that are less efficient. This is normally seen as a very fast way for companies to expand on their product offering and in turn gain market share. Furthermore, some companies engage in mergers and acquisitions to block other companies from becoming greater players in the market. Most of the food manufacturers enter the foreign markets through foreign direct investments like in the Philippines. The Nestle Company has been able to stay successful for a very long time. Consequently, this has created room for them to be able to expand their markets globally making them the worlds greatest beverage and food industry (Schwarz, 2003). The Nestle Company has made the food industry to orient itself more to its customers rather than themselves. The advanced technology has enabled them to know the interests of the consumers and thus make products that can suit their needs. Agricultural goods like spoilt milk that could not be used has now been turned into a tradable substance because of globalization. Their headquarters is locates in Vevey, Switzerland (Nestle Philippines, 2011). However, most of the companys industries are located in many parts of the world. Since the publication of the companys case in 1998, Nestle has, managed to employ nearly 230000 people worldwide. Currently, the number has increased to 253000 people and over 88 billion dollars of sales. This means that the com pany is increasing on an annual basis. Additionally, the company has managed to increase their products that they offer to their customers. Their business strategy has been mainly to encourage the growth of their products through various innovations and renovations. Consequently, the strategy has enabled the company to be able to create many other products like breakfast cereal, baby food, dairy products, chocolates, ice creams, prepared foods and beverages. The company has also diversified to produce pet foods, food services and water that are bottled. This means that the Nestle Company has managed to set the pace for the standard of food to be consumed by the Filipinos. Eventually, food regimes have come up to check on the standard of food that is being produced in the Philippines. Currently, Nestle Philippines has been able to employ over 3200 employees and support thousands of people indirectly. Nestle has managed to establish three factories and a fourth one is coming. The company claims to provide the Filipinos with products that will bring a healthy and happier life. In addition, the Multinational Company endeavors to become good and caring to the corporate citizens and in ensuring that the welfare of the Filipinos is taken care of (Divina Roldan, 2010). The Nestle Company has had several accusations on its exploitation of workers in the food industry. In 2002, the rights of more then 600 workers was violated by Nestle in the Cabuyao factory (Cabuyao workers briefing, 2009). The workers desired to enforce their rights and to negotiate with the managers on their retirement benefits. This was because the Multinational had not included retirement benefits on their employment contract at Nestle. However, the Nestle management purported that it was the companys decision to decide whether or not they would give their workers the benefits (Cabuyao workers briefing, 2009). The Supreme Court of Philippines gave justice to the workers and stated that retirement benefits ought to be a subject to be discussed by both parties. Despite all this, the Multinational has not complied with the ruling. As the set pacers in the food industry, the Nestle has made other food industries like the MacDonalds to follow suit. 1.2 Overall Aims and Objectives of the research Globalization has significantly affected food industry in most developing nation states. This is because of the liberalization of the economy and great technological advances. Through various Multinational Corporations like the Nestle, globalization has managed to occur in nation states like the Philippines. This has affected the food industry in many ways both positively and negatively. The colonial structures set by the European powers ensured that the economies of these developing nation states entirely relied on the developed nations (Jensen, 2008). This has made the economies of the third world nation states like the Philippines heavily rely on developed nations for economic prosperity. Against this backdrop, this research desires to look into the effects of globalization in the food industry in the Philippines. By looking into the Nestlà ©, the research seeks to look into these corporations as agents of globalization and how they have affected the food industry in third world countries like the Philippines. To achieve this aim, the research outlined the following objectives: To know the strategies that Multinationals like nestle employ to gain maximum profits. To identify if the Nestle collaborates with the mother nation state (Switzerland) to gain maximum profits in the Philippines. To know the role of colonization in ensuring that third world nation states like the Philippines had weak economies. To know how globalization has affected the tastes of the local people thus affecting the food industry. 1.3 Hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: Globalization has been able to impact the food industry by affecting their tastes of the local people. Hypothesis 2: The Nestle multinational has led to a decline in the local food industries through their effective strategies Hypothesis3: Effective strategies have assisted the Nestlà © Multinational to be able to gain maximum profits in the Philippines. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction This part of the dissertation seeks to review the literature concerned with the effects of globalization in developing nation states. It is here that the various theories that talk about globalization are discussed. Furthermore, the various literatures on the impacts of globalization and multinationals are reviewed. 2.1.1 Theory To explain this research topic, many theories have been proposed. In any disciplinary research, it is imperative that a theoretical framework that discusses the problems affecting this research is employed. In addition, the theoretical framework will assist in formulating the necessary research questions for designing the research study. It refers to various collections of interrelated concepts such as a theory (Kaplan, 1964). Although various literatures have been able to cover broad diversity of theories, the theory of world systems will be employed to explain globalization and its impact on food industry in the Philippines. The theory emphasizes on the fact that the systems of the world ought to be the basic unit of analysis. The theory refers to the international labor division and this is the basis of globalization. According to the theory, the world is split into the semi periphery, the periphery and the core nation states. The core nation states center on having high skilled l abor and a production that is capital intensive. The rest of the nation states have low skilled labor with a production that is labor intensive. In addition, they specialize on the extraction of minerals. This explains how the process of globalization has emerged in the world (Chase-Dunn, and Grimes. 1995). The nation states with capital and high technology have been able to move into nation states that have labor and no capital. The system changes rapidly because of globalization and individual countries can be able to lose their status as core nation state very fast because of changes. The theory was formulated by Immanuel Wallenstein in 1978 (Wallerstein, 1974). Wallenstein has been able to trace this theory to the 15 century where the feudal economy in Europe went through a major crisis but was changed into a capitalist society. This is what globalization has done to developing nation states. It has been able to transform developing nation states like the Philippines into a capi talist one (Jensen, 2008). This is by opening up the markets and allowing the establishment of foreign investments in the country. The food business has managed to exist even before civilization took place. The advancement of this trade in the 16th and 17th centuries was mostly premised on the discovery of commodities that were geographically specific and tropical plant products (Brenner, 1982). It is agriculture that made the developed nation states become powerful as they sold their agricultural produce to international markets. Wallenstein purports that that the nation states in Europe were able to employ the advantages they had like technology to dominate other nation states economies. They were able to spread the capitalist economy and industrialization resulting in unequal development (Jensen, 2008). Agricultural globalization was seen as a means through which they could construct their economy. In capitalist globalization, jobs and capital move from one nation state to another. This is mainly from the nations that are rich (the core) to the developing nation states (periphery). This made them created thei r own industries that could process food premised on what could be gotten from the local raw materials. Capitalist corporations like the Nestle in Philippines have increased exploitation by paying less money to their staff in developing nation states (Wallerstein, 1974). Globalization is referred to as capitalism but on an international level. In an economy that is globalized, the economic activities of the nation state exist. This is because of an exchange in notions, services, labor forces and technical advances. This has made people do business globally, travel and communicate with each other. The theory can be perceived in the same way as Karl Marx saw class. This means that ownership is compared to non ownership as the means of production. The nation states classified as the core possess and control the main means of production. That is why the core nations are able to dominate the developing nation states. The periphery countries do not own much of the means of production in the world. This is irrespective of the fact that they carry out higher level of the production works. Like in any other class system in many nation states, there exist class positions in the world that lead to uneven wealth distribution. The core nation states get the greatest share of the surplus production (Wallerstein, 1974). Despite owning the raw materials and labor, the periphery nations receive the least of their production. In addition, the core nation states are able to buy raw materials and other goods from the nation states at a cheaper price. The core nation states demand the periphery n ations to buy the products at a higher price. The Nestle was able to gain access in the Philippines because the Multinational comes from the nation state in the core. The Nestle employs the cheap labor from the developing nation states and their raw materials. Wallenstein argues that in the twentieth century, the world systems theory had reached its limits geographically (Wallerstein, 1974). This is because state systems that were capitalist in nature and capitalist markets were extended to all other regions. The United States rose to become a hegemonic power. This means that it had political as well as economic powers. These newly independent nation states were able to confront the control of the core in the entire century (Borines, 2001). Some of the states that had gained independence decided to confront the cores dominance by improving the status of their economy. In the 19th century, liberalism took over as the ideology. It was designed with the hope that there will be equal share markets and individual rights. It also desi red to advance the economic status of the nation states. This is what Wallenstein calls, the transition period. However, the period has been brought about divisions and unequal wealth distribution in the world. Technology is the factor that makes the core nation states to remain in their dominant position. Wallensteins theory has attracted a lot of criticism. The theory has focused a lot on the economy instead of the culture of the nation states. These critics can be categorized in four ways. First of all, the orthodox Marxist who argue that the world systems theory has moved away from the principles of Marxism. This has been depicted in the way the concept of social class has not been given much gravity (Wallestein, 2004). Secondly, the positivists have criticized the theory for being too prone to generalization. The world systems theory is devoid of quantitative data and has failed to put forth propositions that can be contradicted by an observation. Thirdly, the state autonomists have criticized the theory by saying that there lacks a boundary between businesses and the state. All the critics purport that the state should be regarded as the focal point of analysis. Other critics like Brenner have purported that prioritizing the world market means that the local struggles amongst the classes and structures ought to be neglected (Brenner, 1982). 2.1.2 Positive of globalization in the Philippines food industry Globalization refers to the increase in interdependence amongst various business firms in the economies of various nation states in the world. The change agent of this nation state is normally businesses that are owned by various multinational organizations. A Multinational Corporation is an enterprise that involves itself in the management of production in more than one nation state (Tolentino, 2000). Furthermore, Multinationals deliver various services in many other nations. Many scholars have researched on the impacts of globalization in the food industries of many developing nation states. For example, according to Dasguta (2004) globalization has resulted to a rise in products that are consumed in different nation states. Consequently, this results in the rise of many food industries that compete against each other to try and meet the demands of their customers. Eventually, globalization has resulted in increased competition amongst the food industries. This in turn has culminat ed to a greater level of independence to global companies for both global collaboration and economic activities. Harley (2006) argues that most companies have begun to operate globally on an economic scale. According to his studies, the revenue of the company in their nation state was regarded as the highest in their country of origin in the past. However, in this present time, the opposite of the above statement is deemed to be true. Scholars have written on earliest form of globalization. Berberoglu, (2005) purports that since the 1400; globalization took place in the form of capitalism. During this period, the Europeans began forming colonies that could supply them with raw materials and cheap labor for their products. The economies of most developing nation states were developed in such a way that they supplied for the requirements of the integral nation states that existed in the global system that was capitalist in nature (Berberoglu, 2005). The rising trend of markets, finances, services and goods that are interconnected have resulted in the trend of globalization. This has created development in technology as afar as food industry is concerned. In addition, the rise in the stature of multinational companies in developing nation states has influenced the economical, cultural and political aspects of many nation states. In the economic dimension, globalization revolves around the accumulation of capitalism a s the current trend. This is clearly depicted by the widespread labor division that exists in the world, raising numbers of industries within the MNCs and the movement of capital globally from one nation state to another (Suarez-Villa, 2012). Through colonization, these nation states were able to get countries at the periphery like the Philippines to supply all that they need for their economy to expand. This affected the food industry as it made the Philippines become dependent on the developed nation states. The Filipinos grow their own food only to be processed in the developed nation states because of lack of better technology to do the job. In turn, the Filipino farmers get little from their produce while the multinationals get a lot of money. American exploited the Filipinos by forcing them to work for them and buying their produce. This provided cheap labor and market for the American products. The Americans prioritized on accumulating the wealth, industries and the capital o f the Filipinos (Borines, 2001). Harley (2006) argues that for these Multinationals to remain competitive globally, they mostly aim at reducing their costs and prices. This works concurrently with their desire to produce goods of a high standard. Companies look to third world nation states as their centers of operation. They see their firms as a way to benefit from the third world nation states as they would gain a working force that is skilled/unskilled with very low cost. This has been achieved by setting up their operations in nation states like Philippines, Malaysia and India. Borine (2001) argues that colonization left the economy of Philippines in a very weak state. This meant that despite the fact that they were granted sovereignty by the Americans; the Philippines were still not sovereign in their economy. Borines (2001) purports that most of these developing nation states had to rely on the American markets for survival. The economy of the Philippines is highly dependent on agriculture and three quarters of the poor Filipinos depend on agriculture for their livelihood (Borines, 2001). As more and more firms become global, the numbers of competitors increase. In addition, the intensity of the competition increases too. In these nation states, the MNCs have access to untapped markets that will increase their volume of products (Billet, 1991). In addition, these firms have access to a manufacturing low cost base for their exports to the surrounding markets. These multinationals like Nestles have opened up the Philippine food industry to the international market. This has created new opportunities for the Filipino farmers to be able to trade on an international scale. With an increasing population of over 80 million, about 60% of the Philippine populations lives live below the poverty line. The poverty level in the nation state has brought a lot of corruption or exploitation by various Multinationals. In order to reduce the costs, these companies employ exploitation methods to be able to hurt the workforce or damage the environment. Carbaugh (2010) purports that multinational corporations search for places where they can be able to access labor that is inexpensive in order to build their factories. For example, United Fruit is a multinational banana producing corporation in Honduras. The region was chosen because of pursuit of cheap raw materials and labor (Carbaugh, 2010). Normally, these companies are aware of the situations in a nation that will cause them be able to attract maximum gains. These Multinationals are not required to follow any guidelines that may be present in their countries of origin (Rachman, 2008).This means that some of them operate in developing nation states without taking heed to the local regulations concerning businesses. In addition, these companies engage in activities that increase their cost of operation. A weak legal and regulatory system will result in exploitation of labor and resources in the developing nation state. Most developing nation states like Philippines hope that through Multinationals, globalization would transform their poor economy into an active participant in the global economy. As a result, globalization has been able to transform this nation state by increasing the employment opportunities (Rachman, 2008). This is because more foreign companies have come into the Philippines to assist in its ailing economy. This affects the food industry as it avails the necessary labor required. Globalization has resulted to other consequences. First of all, globalization makes nation states that have different value systems are able to try to win each other in the same level (Dasgupta, 2004). This means that different nation states set up structures and policies that will be able to attract more foreign investors in their nation. Globalization has resulted in greater mobility of capital and workers in the international market. Consequently, this has led to a global market place where there has been an increase in the opportunity for employees, customers and managers of the company. For instance, the coming of Nestle Company to the Philippines brought in capital for erecting factories and offices (Local Philippine Context, 2010). Foreign workers were granted an opportunity to work in Philippines. This gives them a greater exposure internationally. However, the entry of Nestle in the Philippines has been able to create an intense level of competition with the local market. The local market is left to compete with the global giant for markets shares and revenues. The most basic requirement of individuals is food. This means that most multinationals that deal with food like the Nestle have very great power. Being the worlds leader in the manufacturing of baby food, the Nestle Company has managed to open up the fo od industry in making baby foods (Borines, 2001). This is despite the various practices like corruption and monopoly that are deemed to be misguided. The Nestle has introduced new techniques of processing like condensation and roller drying. Consequently, this has led to a surplus of cheap milk in the Philippines. The Nestlà © Company commenced exporting its milk to developing nation states in the fiscal year 1873. 2.1.3 Negative aspects of globalization Like in other developing nations, globalization has changed the culture of most Filipinos thus bring obesity to the children and adults. In the fiscal year 2008, the National Statistics Coordination Board revealed that 26.6% of Filipino adults were obese. This has increased by 10% from 1993(ABS-CBN, 2011). 6.6% of children of age 5 to 10 years have b Modern Organizations | Globalization and the Environment Modern Organizations | Globalization and the Environment This essay is based on organizations internal and external environment in todays modern economy. It also discusses the drivers of globalization and effects of globalization on organizations environment. Firstly, it is important to understand the definition of globalization as there are many definitions. Secondly, the drivers of globalization are discussed in this essay including the history, aim and role of World Trade Organization. Further, the relationship between organizations internal and external environment in global market is analyzed. It also highlights the changes that organizations have to face when going global. However, it is very challenging as an organization can control their internal environment but can not control the external environment. An early description of globalization was penned by the American entrepreneur-turned-minister Charles Taze Russell who coined the term ‘Corporate Giants in 1897. However, it was not until the 1960s that the term began to be widely used by economists and other social scientists. It had achieved widespread use in the mainstream press by the later half of the 1980s. Since its inception, the concept of globalization has inspired numerous competing definitions and interpretations. Globalization refers to the shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Globalization has several different facets including the globalization of markets and globalization of products (Hill, 2004).Globalization has led to increasingly integrated markets across the world, changing the competitive environment in which firms operate. In the face of international competition in domestic and foreign markets, the least productive firms may be forced into bankruptcy while the most productive ones will take advantage of new business opportunities in foreign markets (IMF). Globalization attracts increasing interest and importance in contemporary world affairs. It also inspires passionate supporters and critic (BBC). Globalization is the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the worlds markets and businesses. This process has speeded up dramatically in the last two decades as technological advances make it easier for people to travel, communicate, and do business internationally. In general, as economies become more connected to other economies, they have increased opportunity but also increased competition. Thus, as globalization becomes a more and more common feature of world economics, powerful pro-globalization and anti-globalization lobbies have arisen. The pro-globalization lobby argues that globalization brings about much increased opportunities for almost everyone, and increased competition is a good thing since it makes agents of productio n more efficient (investorwords, 2009). The two most prominent pro-globalization organizations are the World Trade Organization and the World Economic Forum. The World Trade Organization is a pan-governmental entity (which currently has 144 members) that was set up to formulate a set of rules to govern global trade and capital flows through the process of member consensus, and to supervise their member countries to ensure that the rules are being followed. The World Economic Forum, a private foundation, does not have decision-making power but enjoys a great deal of importance since it has been effective as a powerful networking forum for many of the worlds business, government and not-profit leaders. The anti-globalization group argues that certain groups of people who are deprived in terms of resources are not currently capable of functioning within the increased competitive pressure that will be brought about by allowing their economies to be more connected to the rest of the world. Important anti-globalization organizat ions include environmental groups like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace; international aid organizations like Oxfam; third world government organizations like the G77; business organizations and trade unions whose competitiveness is threatened by globalization like the U.S. textiles and European farm lobby, as well as the Australian and U.S. trade union movements. There are four main elements and drivers of globalization: globalization of markets, globalization of production, technology innovation and falling of barriers to trade and investment which is analyzed in more depth including the role and aim of WTO. Globalization of markets refers to the merging of national markets into one huge global marketplace. Now selling internationally is easier due to falling barriers to cross-border trade. A company doesnt have to be the size of these multinational giants to facilitate and benefit from the globalization of markets. It is important to offer a standard product to the worldwide. But very significant differences still exist between national markets like consumer tastes, preferences, legal regulations, cultural systems. These differences require that marketing strategies in order to match the conditions in a country. Globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production. The idea is to compete more effectively offering a product with good quality and low cost. For example, Nike is considerate one of the leading marketers of athletic shoes and apparel on the world. The company has some overseas factories where has achieved a super production with low cost. Unfortunately Nike has been a target of protest and persistent accusations that its products are made in sweatshops with poor working conditions. The company has signaled a commitment to improving working conditions, but in spite of the fact, the attacks continue. Technological changes have achieved advances in communication, information processing, and transportation technology, including the Internet and the World Wide Web (www). The most important innovation has been development in the microprocessors after that global communications have been revolutionized by developments in satellite, optical fiber, and wireless technologies, and now the Internet and the www. The rapid growth of the internet and the associated www is the latest expression of this development. Besides, innovations have occurred in the field of the transportation technology. The development of commercial jet aircraft has reduced the time needed to get from one location to another. Now New York is closer to Tokyo than ever. Another example of technological change would be websites such as where any individual can sell any item to anyone in the world; it is essentially the biggest garage sale ever. A third example of technological change would be production; in the 1900s people were making products largely by hand. Today, machines can whip out a dozen sweaters in an hour and make them higher quality. This way the global market can demand more products at a higher quality. The falling of barriers to international trade enables firms to view the world as their market. The lowering of barrier to trade and investments also allows firms to base production at the optimal location for that activity. Thus, a firm might design a product in one country, produce a component parts in two other countries, assemble the product in another country and then export the finished product around the world. The lowering of trade barriers has facilitated the globalization of production. The evidence also suggests that foreign direct investment is playing an increasing role in the global economy. For example, Panama is now allowed to trade Pharmaceuticals, foods, and school supplies without suffering a tariff. Also, any other import is subject to only a 5% tariff as opposed to the previous 8%. Decreasing and lowering of the trade and investment hurdles internationally is one of the important reasons of globalization. After the establishment of the world trade organization in which many countries participated due to the free trade agreements in the countries around the world. After the establishment of GATT (General Agreement of Tariff and Trade) it is the trade agreement between the countries that are willing to carry the free trade around the world. The aim of these tariffs was to protect the local industries of those countries. But now the scholars of prosperity have though that the world would be become more peaceful and good place to live in when all the countries and their representatives coordinate with each other. The benefit of this is to the countries who do not have much source to utilizes their resources so that they can attract the large foreign investment in their countries. The WTO provides a forum for negotiating agreements aimed at reducing obstacles to international trade and ensuring a level playing field for all, thus contributing to economic growth and development. The WTO also provides a legal and institutional framework for the implementation and monitoring of these agreements, as well as for settling disputes arising from their interpretation and application. The current body of trade agreements comprising the WTO consists of 16 different multilateral agreements (to which all WTO members are parties) and two different plurilateral agreements (to which only some WTO members are parties). Over the past 60 years, the WTO, which was established in 1995, and its predecessor organization the GATT have helped to create a strong and prosperous international trading system, thereby contributing to unprecedented global economic growth. The WTO currently has 153 members, of which 117 are developing countries or separate customs territories. WTO activities are supported by a Secretariat of some 700 staff, led by the WTO Director-General. The Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland, and has an annual budget of approximately CHF 200 million ($180 million, â‚ ¬130 million). The three official languages of the WTO are English, French and Spanish. Decisions in the WTO are generally taken by consensus of the entire membership. The highest institutional body is the Ministerial Conference, which meets roughly every two years. A General Council conducts the organizations business in the intervals between Ministerial Conferences. Both of these bodies comprise all members. Specialized subsidiary bodies (Councils, Committees, Sub-committees), also comprising all members, administer and monitor the implementation by members of the various WTO agreements. More specifically, the WTOs main activities are: Negotiating the reduction or elimination of obstacles to trade (import tariffs, other barriers to trade) and agreeing on rules governing the conduct of international trade (e.g. antidumping, subsidies, product standards, etc.) Administering and monitoring the application of the WTOs agreed rules for trade in goods, trade in services, and trade-related intellectual property rights Monitoring and reviewing the trade policies of our members, as well as ensuring transparency of regional and bilateral trade agreements Settling disputes among our members regarding the interpretation and application of the agreements Building capacity of developing country government officials in international trade matters Assisting the process of accession of some 30 countries who are not yet members of the organization Conducting economic research and collecting and disseminating trade data in support of the WTOs other main activities Explaining to and educating the public about the WTO, its mission and its activities. The WTOs founding and guiding principles remain the pursuit of open borders, the guarantee of most-favoured-nation principle and non-discriminatory treatment by and among members, and a commitment to transparency in the conduct of its activities. The opening of national markets to international trade, with justifiable exceptions or with adequate flexibilities, will encourage and contribute to sustainable development, raise peoples welfare, reduce poverty, and foster peace and stability. At the same time, such market opening must be accompanied by sound domestic and international policies that contribute to economic growth and development according to each members needs and aspirations. (WTO, 2009) An organizations internal environment is composed of the elements within the organization, including current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behavior. Also organizations resources, its capabilities and competencies make up the internal environment of the organization. The internal environment plays a crucial role in the strategic management process of the organization. (Hill, 2004) Although some elements affect the organization as a whole, others affect only the manager. A managers philosophical or leadership style directly impacts employees. Traditional managers give explicit instructions to employees, while progressive managers empower employees to make many of their own decisions. Changes in philosophy and/or leadership style are under the control of the manager. To analyze the internal and external environment of an organization SWOT analysis is carried out to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The Internal Analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on internal factors that give an organization certain advantages and disadvantages in meeting the needs of its target market. Strengths refer to core competencies that give the firm an advantage in meeting the needs of its target markets. Any analysis of company strengths should be market oriented/customer focused because strengths are only meaningful when they assist the firm in meetin g customer needs. Weaknesses refer to any limitations a company faces in developing or implementing a strategy. Weaknesses should also be examined from a customer perspective because customers often perceive weaknesses that a company cannot see. The external environment in which an organization operates presents both threats and opportunities. Growth or decline in international trade, national protectionism and regional trading blocs are some examples of the political and economic environment, which have considerable impact on the marketing of the maritime industry. There are different ways of classifying the types of external environment that usually just reflect the preferences of different authors, but there are some core types which are always identified. Your Kotler et al. (2004) text provides a comprehensive classification of the external environments, which it refers to as the macro-environment, as listed below: demographic environment, economic environment, natural environment, technological environment, political environment, cultural environment, technological environment, administrative/legal environment. Administrative/Legal Environment The administrative and legal environment in a country provides a framework within which an organization operates. In some countries this environment is very restrictive and has significant impact on all aspects of the organization; in other countries the administrative/legal context is more permissive. Understanding the administrative/legal environment is essential to determining if organizational change can take place. The administrative context within which the organization operates may be shaped by a unique combination of forces, including international, governmental, nongovernmental policy, legislative, regulatory, and legal frameworks. An organization is affected by the policy or regulatory context that gave rise to it. This includes specific laws and regulations that support or inhibit the institutions development. Technology Environment Both the types and the level of technology in the society give insight into understanding an institution. Institutions dealing with Western paradigms are dependent on the state of national infrastructure, e.g. power, water, transport; those which concentrate on indigenous research paradigms may have totally different dependencies. Thus, it is important to understand the level of relevant technology in the institutional context and whether such technology is defined by computer literacy or by highly developed indigenous methods of verbal and nonverbal communication. It might also be helpful for an assessment to include a consideration of the process by which new technology comes into use, both to understand how difficult it is to acquire needed research technologies and to develop an appreciation for the societys willingness to embrace both new knowledge and change. Political Environment The economy and legal system of a country are shaped by its political system. As such, it is important that organizations understand the nature of different political systems. Political system means system of government in a nation. Political system can be assessed according to two related dimensions. The first the degree to which they emphasize collectivism as apposed to individualism. The second dimension is the degree to which they are democratic or totalitarian. These dimensions are interrelated; system that emphasize collectivism tend toward totalitarian, while system that place a high value on individualism tend to be democratic. Economic Environment In the economic environment, the organizational analysis should centre on those aspects of the economic system that directly impact the type of project being considered. For example, inflation, labour laws, and opportunity costs for researchers in public institutions directly impact organizational activities in different countries. Countries with foreign currency restrictions represent different environments for institutions than countries without them, for such restrictions have ramifications for research, e.g. for equipment procurement and maintenance. Social and Cultural Environments Social and cultural forces at local, national, and often regional levels have profound influence on the way organizations conduct their work and on what they value in terms of outcomes and effects. For example, the mores of an indigenous culture have a bearing on the work ethic and on the way in which people relate to one another. Undoubtedly, the most profound cultural dimension is language. The extent to which organizational members can participate in the discourse of the major scientific language will determine the extent to which research efforts focus inwardly or contribute to regional and global research agendas. Understanding the national/regional/local values toward learning and research provides insight into the type and nature of research that is valued. For example, what is the relative priority placed on contract research in partnership with local clients, e.g. testing products and procedures with indigenous populations, as opposed to sharing information with academic pee rs internationally, or generating biostatistician data that will shape national or regional policy. Arriving at these priorities involves culture-based decisions. Organizational architecture can be used by multinational enterprises to manage and direct their global operations. To succeed, a firm must match its architecture to its strategy in different ways. Firms whose architecture does not fit their strategic requirements will experience performance problems. It is also necessary for the different components of architecture to be consistent with each other (Hill, 2004). Organizational architecture refers to the totality of a firms organization, including formal organizational structure, control systems and incentives, processes, organizational culture, and people. An organization should be able to analyze their internal environment including their capabilities before they decide to go global. It requires different know-how of the new geographical market and an organization would need to make necessary changes in internal environment to enter the new geographical market successfully. References Culture in Mexico | Essay Culture in Mexico | Essay Mexico The country that we had chosen was Mexico. One interesting fact about Mexico is that the country is the 11th most populated country in the world , around 117 million people. The relationship between Mexico and the United States are that they are two countries that share maritime and a land board in North America. Before, Mexico and the United States had a war, that war was called the Mexican War. The war was about Mexico invading the United States, was an armed conflict between the two countries. The official name for Mexico is the United Mexico States. The continental location of Mexico is North America. Mexicos bordering countries are the United States (to the north) and Belize and Guatemala (to the south). The area of Mexico in square miles are 758,400 mi ². The economics of Mexicos energy industry are petroleum industry, oil companies, gas stations, natural gas, coal gas, electrical power industry, electricity generation, electric power distribution, coal, nuclear power, renewable energy industry, alternative energy, sustainable energy, hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power, alternative fuels, and firewood. The manufacturing in Mexico is highly skilled workforces such as engineering, supervisors, and professionals. Because of the highly skilled workforce the competitiveness id at a high level around the world. The primary language the Mexico speaks is Spanish and English. The holidays the are celebrated in Mexico are Cinco de Mayo, honored for the Battle of Puebla, Diez y Seis, honored for the Independence Battle for Mexico, Day of the Dead, for the ancestors of the Mexican culture., etc. The education in mexico is currently controlled by Secretariat of Public Education. The education standards are based on a Ministry at any level in school. The levels in the education have three steps, the steps are primary school (grade 1-6), junior high school (grade 7-9), and high school (grades 10-12). The typical Mexican diet food that is popular is the chicken and fried rice, usually as a main protein as fish and topped with chili. The diet actually depends on what region you are in. The most common cuisine dish is a mix of indigenous and spanish influences. Even though most mexicans prefer/continue to eat more native foods, such as, corn, beans, and peppers. The difference of Mexicos and the United States includes family, religion, education, nationality, personal sensitivity, personal appearance, and status. Mexico also came up with different cultures causing a set of distinctive beliefs. Some interesting facts about Mexico is that Mexicos official name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos, which means United Mexican States. The first press printer used in mexico was in 1539. Millions of monarch butterflies migrate to mexico each year, from United States and Canada destroying their habitat. Mexico City was built over the remains of Aztec, Tenochtitlan. Modern Mexico citizens are a unique mix of different ancient races including Olmec, Zapotec, Toltec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, African, French and Spanish. Mexico is located in the Ring of Fire. Mexico introduced chocolate, corn, and chilis to the world. The largest monument is the Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. Mexico is second to Brazil in the number of Catholic citizens. Mexico is the most populated Spanish-speaking country in the world and the United States is the second. One sport in Mexico that is in our slides is the Mayan Sport. The Mayan sport is the try to get a rubber ball without making it touch your hands then they have to try to get the rubber ball through one of the rings. The only reason why you cant use your hands is because the rings are high and it would be an advantage. The  winners are rewarded with a large feast. The clothing in Mexico is very unique in many different ways. The types of clothing is quechquemitl, huipiles, puebla dresses, for women and sombreros, sarapes, and guayaberas for men. Quechquemitl can be compared to a poncho, they clothing is used for special occasions. Huipiles represent lots of personality and is usually worn for everyday events. Puebla dresses are used everyday and are becoming more popular in the United States. Sombreros are one the most common Mexican garment. Sarapes are very colorful and serves a functional purpose. Guayaberas is made of lightweight cotton and are pastel colored shirts. Mexico is one of the most populated countries in the world. Filled up with over 117 million people. Mexico and the United States are share a maritime and a land which border. I hope you have learned a bit about Mexico and the countrys culture.